A Brief Questionnaire for Potential Elders

  1. Do you have any differences with the church’s doctrinal statement?
  2. Do you have any differences with the church’s constitution? (i.e. how the church is structured and governed)
  3. Is there anything you are aware of that would prevent you from becoming an elder some day at our church?
  4. Do you see yourself as compatible with the church’s  pastoral emphasis, associations and overall tone?
  5. Other hot topics:
    • Views on creation, age of the earth, Adam
    • Views on the Millenium
    • Cessationism, Continuationism
    • Sabbath/Lord’s Day
    • Complementarianism
    • Other?
  6. How do you view yourself according to the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9?
  7. How do you think others would view you regarding these qualifications? Your wife? Your peers in the church? The elders in the church?